Lawyer, J.D. & LL.L.
During the initial consultation, fees are always discussed. A retainer agreement will be drafted after the first meeting, and will explain the terms and conditions upon representation. The retainer agreement must be signed before Alina Sklar can represent your legal interests.
The fee structure is designed to be flexible in order to accommodate the particular circumstances and needs of every client.
Clients may choose to retain the services of Alina Sklar in one of two ways :
On an hourly basis
Through block-fee :
Lawyers :
Agency work
Legal research
Drafting of applications, motions and factums
To determine the cost of the block-fee option, criterion will be taken into consideration. These criterion include, but are not limited to the following : the complexity of the matter, the legal objective and the potential disbursements (cost of experts, mileage, transcripts, etc.)